Empowering Congolese Youth for Global Leadership

Welcome to SOS Congo, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a world where youth from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and its diaspora feel empowered to be global leaders.

Our passion lies in raising awareness of the DRC in Canada and bridging the gap between Congolese communities. Through our commitment to history, culture, personal development, respect, and accountability, we aim to make a positive impact on the lives of Congolese youth. Join us on this transformative journey!

At SOS Congo, we envision a world where young Congolese individuals, both in the DRC and the diaspora, feel empowered to lead on a global scale. Our hearts are set on nurturing their talents, providing exciting opportunities, and fostering a deep sense of belonging. Together, we can unlock the remarkable potential within Congolese youth and shape the leaders of tomorrow.

We are fueled by a clear mission: to raise awareness of the DRC in Canada and engage the current and future generations of our vibrant youth community. We firmly believe that by bridging the gap between Congolese-born individuals in the country and those born in the diaspora, we can build connections that transcend geographical boundaries. Our dedicated efforts involve promoting our rich history, celebrating our vibrant culture, and instilling the virtues of personal development, respect, and accountability. We are here to empower young Congolese to embrace their heritage while becoming active global citizens.

Our values


We hold ourselves to the highest standards of honesty, ethics, and fairness. Our interactions are rooted in treating others with dignity and respect, creating an environment built on trust and integrity.


We are fueled by an unwavering determination to make a difference. We understand that success requires effort and perseverance. We push boundaries, continuously striving to create meaningful change in the lives of Congolese youth.


We firmly believe that collaboration is the key to achieving greatness. By working together, sharing ideas, and recognizing the contributions of others, we create an environment that encourages growth and success for all.


We deeply value every individual, both within and outside our organization. We celebrate the diverse experiences, perspectives, and ideas that make us unique. By embracing our differences, we cultivate a stronger and more inclusive community.


We take ownership of our actions and decisions, ensuring that we follow through on our commitments. By holding ourselves accountable, we strive to make a positive impact and deliver on our promises.


We embrace the fast-paced nature of our organization, adapting to change, embracing innovation, and seizing new opportunities to better serve our community. Our agility allows us to navigate challenges and remain responsive to the evolving needs of those we support.


Ike Kenzo

Ike Kenzo is the president of SOS Congo. He is a Canadian born Congolese who has had the privilege of growing up in both North America and Africa. This unique upbringing has nurtured his passion for community and he has been heavily involved with grass roots organizations for the past ten years. Currently Ike is employed by Canada bridges social development, but he got his start by volunteering as a big brother and mentor to youth in the Congolese community. At the University of Calgary he was one of the founders of the African & Caribbean Students Association (ASA). With the ASA he planned many community events such as cultural showcases, town halls and conferences. After University Ike became part of the Obsidian awards (formerly known as the Black Gold Awards) planning committee. In an effort to bring real change to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) he has become involved in Congolese politics and is now the president of the UDPS chapter in Calgary. The UDPS is a political party from DRC and Ike is one of youngest president for all the chapters that exist in North America and Europe. To me being a part of SOS Congo represents an opportunity for my peers and I to prove to ourselves them we can do something

Ashley Kenzo

Ashley Kenzo formerly Ashley Hayes-Sparks is an Afro-Canadian and her ancestors can be traced to Canada as far back as the late 1700s on her dad’s side and early 1900s on her mom’s. She is a social worker by profession and her focus are children and youth. Ashley has been volunteering in the black community for the last 10 years. From her experience working with young people and growing up as a black girl in Calgary, AB Ashley sees so much value in youth having access to the stories of people of similar backgrounds to them and empowering them to tell their own. A fun fact about Ashley is that she recently did her Ancestry DNA and found out that she has 32% DNA of Cameroon, Congo and Southern Bantu peoples.

Nikita Kalonji

When Nikita was approached to be a part of creating this not-for-profit she was all in. She is a Canadian born Congolese who spent her childhood in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) but eventually returned to Canada. She believes that it is important for everyone to have a connection and strong grasp of their family and ethnic history. She has a rich ethnic heritage, stemming from Africa, more specifically Zairoise (Congolese) and Israeli descent. Her grandfather, Mulopwe Albert Kalonji, was one of the men that signed the independence act for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC); thus her family made it a priority to ensure that all future generations knew their family history. Nikita currently works in the IT industry, she is the Vice-President of the UDPS in Calgary, it is a political party from DRC and she recently landed a great opportunity staring as the lead character on The African Family, it’s the first ever African-Canadian series.

Eddie Serushago

By age of nine, Eddie had lived on three continents. He was born in Japan, moved to the Democratic Republic of Congo at the age of two and made his way to Canada when he was nine-years old. Growing up in Canada far from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), he had a desire to connect and learn about his heritage but struggled to find groups and services that could feed that desire. His friends had after school programs that taught them about their heritage and their language. In 2012, he returned to the DRC and with the help of his father, he started and ran a cybercafé in a low-income neighbourhood of the city of Goma. In addition to providing internet, the cybercafé offered beginner courses in MS Word. In 2014, he was approached to help organize a cultural event named the “Taste of Congo”. The success this organizing group experienced with the event, the camaraderie they built, and their shared passion to address the need of their community would later inspire them to launch SOS Congo.

Sifa Serushago

Sifa Serushago is a founding member of SOS Congo (Sharing our Stories). She was born in Japan but lived in Democratic Republic of Congo until she was 7 years old when her family relocated to Canada. She has always had a strong tie to Democratic Republic of Congo and frequently visits the DRC. She is a lawyer by profession. Her career has allowed her to work with individual from different backgrounds and communities in Alberta and other provinces. She has always had a passion for helping others and her goal is to utilize the knowledge she has acquired in her career to help the people in the DRC and the people in her community and other communities. Sifa has been volunteering in the Congolese community for years. Sifa is a strong advocate for women and child rights which is one of the reasons why SOS Congo is so important to her.

Join Us in Empowering Congolese Youth!

We invite you to join us on this incredible journey of empowerment. Discover more about our initiatives, explore our impactful projects, and find out how you can get involved. Together, let’s create a world where Congolese youth thrive, lead, and make a difference. Take the first step today by clicking below to learn more and join our vibrant community!