Economic Empowerment

The work of anti-racism:

-Anti-racism is about breaking prejudgements
-The work of anti-racism is to interrupt and stop ideologies and stereotypes that we hold about another
-This must be done for the individual and the system

Notions of Empowerment:

3 interlocking dimensions of empowerment

– Agency/Self-Efficacy
The development of a more positive and potent sense of self
– Critical Consciousness
The construction of knowledge and capacity for more critical comprehension of the web of social and political realities in one’s environment
– Achievement.
The cultivation of resources and strategies, or more functional competence, for the attainment of personal and collective goals


1. Empowerment is contextual and based on our environments. It’s fluid and it’s messy
2. If one group’s empowerment is at the expense of another’s that is a limitation
3. Empowerment requires action (pulling together the strategies and tools is the first, step but it has to move into action)
4. Empowerment is rarely logical in trajectory
5. Culture Blind
6. Results are not instantaneous

Critical Consciousness + Knowledge of Oppression = POWER